Bear and Girl
A Story of
Hope, Friendship, and Strength
In the heart of the Canadian Rockies,
a wounded women finds comfort and
an extraordinary friend

About The Author
James Peter Behr is the pen name of a best-selling non-fiction author. One day he found a compelling reason to write fiction – someone who needed a friend and a story to help soothe them because they were hurting.
Because his totem is Bear, and because he’s Canadian, he has chosen a Polar Bear as his avatar. And, oddly enough, he finds himself wondering whether he’s a man dreaming he is Bear, or Bear dreaming he’s a man.

Bear and Girl
A Story of
Hope, Friendship, and Strength
In the heart of the Canadian Rockies,
a wounded women finds comfort and
an extraordinary friend
Kirkus Reviewscalls it“Inspirational…a heartwarming tale of magic, philosophy, and love”
“I was escaping from a terrifying past when I fell, wounded and unconscious, at the feet of an enchanted Bear. He carried me to his cabin in the Canadian Rockies, where I slowly began to heal – only to discover that he had deep wounds of his own.
“This is my story – and his.”
“This is my story – and his.”
Praise for the Book
“This is good. Really good, beautiful, and seriously brilliant. It's a little sad, a little funny, and a little sweet. I believe in magic and you've captured that perfectly here – magical, and full of both sadness and hope.
“Once upon a time when I had a hard time sleeping, my wife used to read me stories to help me get through the night – thanks for jogging that memory. I like that Bear is not all cuddly and rays of sunshine. He's prickly at times and serious.”
Rachel O., Seattle
“Bear and Girl … make my day always brighter. The stories are magical. Truly. Honestly. And they do help by their kindness and love and beauty. And reminders of all that is good.
“I have fallen in love with Bear. So sweet and so kind. I feel like when my father used to read me one chapter of Heidi at night....lovely, lovely story. Bear warms my heart. Thank you.
“Oh, Bear, please come and visit me. I need you sometimes.”
Elizabeth B. lives in Virginia.
“I've been trying to find the right words for this. It has a comforting, magical child-like storytelling, yet it’s for adults. I’ve had trouble putting to words why I think this story is so special and needs to be published. In our ‘hurry up’ world of increasing complexities, this story is told at a relaxing pace with child-like simplicity, soothing the reader while addressing universal themes of fear, pain, loneliness, hope, and friendship. Who wouldn't want something big and furry to snuggle with and keep nightmares away?
“It's unique in many ways. Your simple title is appealing. These stories read like a magical bedtime story for adults. The little girl in me is attracted to the simplistic writing, yet the adult in me gets the deeper meanings. A woman who's alone and/or is scared or hurting would find this story comforting. Thank you”
Kim L. Kentucky
“A talking bear, are you nuts? Apparently not, as this little gem of a story moves along very well. It always amazes me how two seemingly diametrically opposed characters can be made to fit together so seamlessly.”
Brad N., England
“I don't want the tales to end ... I love Bear and Girl!”
Sara, Arizona
“I feel like the more of the story that you share with us, the more you leave us beckoning for more. I feel like a little kid at bedtime, wanting just a few more pages of the story.
“This is a wonderful mix of angst and true friendship. I found my breathing relaxed only when Girl was safe in Bear’s arms”
Katarina T., Florida
“I’m enjoying these stories: there is a nice fable-like quality to them. The sense of sublimated trauma seems to lie just beneath the surface of these, as these two help each other heal, and give comfort. Nice gentle storytelling.”
Jeff Wood, Coloradoauthor of “Life Under Water”
I found reading “Bear and Girl – A Story of Hope, Friendship, and Strength” immensely fulfilling. James Behr has written a heartfelt and affecting story that masterfully combines nature’s wisdom with the strength of the human spirit. It is a shining example of resilience and optimism. Girl fled a terrible past and found refuge and strength in the Canadian wilderness. Bear is a figure of compassion and wisdom who helps Girl find healing and a fresh start. The story is made richer and more magical by a captivating ensemble of characters.
In addition to capturing the imagination, being based on a real person who fought through her abuse, Behr’s book teaches important lessons about resilience, hope, and the value of self-discovery. I believe other people will find it as captivating as I have!
Audrey In addition to capturing the imagination, being based on a real person who fought through her abuse, Behr’s book teaches important lessons about resilience, hope, and the value of self-discovery. I believe other people will find it as captivating as I have!
James Peter Behr's book was originally written as an outreach to a victim of abuse. BEAR AND GIRL is the story of a magical talking polar bear in the Canadian Rockies who rescues and guides a woman escaping from her abuser. That is an oversimplification of this powerful creative book. If you're not familiar with this topic, like I was, this book also reveals to you the signs and mentalities involved in abuse.
Pamela Heinrich
This is a deceptively simple story of a girl and a bear. Yes, the bear talks, but the conversations, which form the meat of the book, are long wide-ranging talks about life and love and loss and redemption. Their relationship is touching, and it's a joy to watch it grow over the course of the book. The story is emotional and affecting. Nice read.
Jeff Wood
Oh, I have fallen in love with Bear. So sweet and so kind. I feel like when my father used to read me one chapter of Heidi at night. Now I have to go back and reread all these stories! I love this. Very moving and real emotions. A perfect friendship. The beauty of this astounds me!
Oh, Bear, please come and visit me. I need you sometimes. You know everything to do to comfort. These stories are magical. Truly. Honestly. And they do help by their kindness and love and beauty. And reminders of all that is good.
This story is heartwarming and the parallels in it are perfect. I so hope more abused women get to read it, and abused men too.
Kindle Customer
This is a gentle and fun read. Especially for teen girls and those who have been abused. But, even this Septegenarian enjoyed it.
My usual genre is historical fiction with fantasy being completely out of my wheelhouse. I gave this a try based on the reviews and the fact that it was a bargain book at the time and I'm so happy that I did. The story of Bear and Girl is heartwarming and delightful. We all need a friend like Bear in our lives. I don't want to give away any part of the story line, it's best to experience the unfolding of it as written so suffice to say, open your imagination to accept that which seems unimaginable, purchase Bear and Girl and enjoy! I finished it a few days ago and am still thinking about it and how I wish it could be true.
Christine S.
A lovely story that is heartwarming and inspiring. Fantasy doesn't always have to come in the form of wizards or witches; sometimes, it comes in the form of a Bear. I loved this story and found its message of hope to be very endearing.
Kat H
This book was way more than I expected. It's for everyone, not just victims of domestic abuse. It's a wonderful and uplifting story. I highly recommend it.
This is a gentle and fun read. Especially for teen girls and those who have been abused. But, even this Septegenarian enjoyed it.
Mark D.
A fairy tale, yes. Knowing the background behind the story (as explained by the author) makes it even better.
Linda Surritte